Trusted Treatments and Proven Results
Trauma & PTS Retreat
The Cabin an internationally recognized center of excellence for the treatment of mental health disorder.
Trauma & PTS Retreat
Trauma and PTS can be debilitating and damaging forces in people’s lives.
Trauma and PTS is often described as feeling disconnected from others and experiencing constant dread, paranoia and a sense of distrust. Many believe they are alone in their pain. In reality, majority of people have experienced some form of traumatic event and continue to live with its legacy.
The Cabin Wellness offers The Kinstugi Programme, which teaches healthy coping strategies and emotional support to help clients overcome trauma and PTS and lead a happy and productive life. The program believes in living life with acceptance of past and a future as broad as one’s values, but requires learning to let go of certain problem-solving and accepting feelings and thoughts as they are.
More than the treatment
Programme Content

The Cabin Wellness Offers a Tranquil and Peaceful Setting in Which To Heal
We at The Cabin Wellness, take your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing extremely seriously. We pride ourselves in the knowledge that clinicians and professionals from around the world trust us more than any other treatment facility in Asia because of our unmatched reputation for quality treatment programmes, professional integrity, as well as proven results.
In addition to our world-class treatment programme, clients are far from their usual triggers and can enjoy the chance to go on a range of exciting excursions in one of the world’s greatest adventure destinations, Chiang Mai. All of our Wellness treatment programmes are inclusive of private accommodation, all meals, individual and group counselling sessions, fitness therapy, massage treatment, weekly excursions, and comprehensive aftercare.
Signs and Symptoms of Trauma & PTS
Life-threatening or distressing events such as those mentioned above can result in psychological trauma
Some of the signs and symptoms of trauma include:
- Problems within your relationship
- Mistrust
- Anger
- Depression
- Not being able to engage in previous activities such as work and recreation
- Problems with self-esteem
- Denial immediately following the event
Quite often the effects of trauma fade over time, however, when these effects persist beyond a reasonable time-frame people may require professional treatment.
There are some people who will go on to develop Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), a health condition which can result from trauma.
Some of the Signs and Symptoms of PTS include:
- Hyperarousal (common as a result of sexual trauma)
- Hypervigilance
- A distorted perception of threats
- Mood swings and irritability
- Feelings of numbness or disconnectedness
- Withdrawal from otherwise enjoyable social situations
- Feelings of shame and guilt
- Fatigue
- Inability to focus
- Flashbacks
It is worth noting that people who have experienced sexual trauma are at a higher risk of developing PTS.
People with PTS can be emotionally triggered by anything that reminds them of the event that caused their trauma.
Reach Out for Help
We Are Available 24/7 For You Or Your Loved Ones
If you or someone you love is struggling, we’re here for you. Instead of a quick fix, our compassionate team of experts at The Cabin is waiting to help you begin your journey toward long-term recovery that focuses on the whole person by addressing any underlying mental health conditions or trauma.
When you call, they will lead you through a series of questions to determine if The Cabin is a good fit, and how soon your treatment can begin. If you are interested in The Cabin for yourself or a loved one, call or fill out an admissions form today!
Treating Post-Traumatic Stress at
The Cabin Wellness
The Cabin’s Trauma Treatment – called The Kinstsugi Programme, is a full immersion programme. We believe that mere understanding is not enough, and that it takes fully immersive work to learn an alternative path. Because the human mind is a problem-solving organ – it cannot help but do what it does. When we look at our own pain, we initially cannot help but judge it, anticipate it, reason with it, and try to get rid of it – and sometimes in quite destructive ways
It is very likely you’ve already tried to solve your pain with the same mechanisms you’ve used to solve other problems – and if it worked; perhaps would not have journeyed here to join The Kintsugi Programme. Could it be that you’re looking for a new way forward? You have found one with The Cabin.
The Kintsugi Programme allows us a new path forward when some of our most trusted skills are no longer effective. It offers suggestions for what to do when little of what we can think of is very likely to be helpful. It gently points toward exciting alternatives when seemingly nothing we can do will work.
The scientific evidence bases for the combined therapies that The Kintsugi Programme delivers – in the areas of trauma, pain, anxiety, and depression are independently established as stand-alone treatments and have rightly grown rapidly. The Cabin brings these together to make up your The Kintsugi Programme.
If you are willing to be guided by your own pain, and by our expertise, we can support you to learn a new way forward. If the old ways had continued to work adequately, we believe you would have no reason to learn a new way.